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Final Year Project: Worn With Care

The brand aims to encourage thrifters to thrift mindfully and responsibly by using thoughtful thinking processes before purchasing an item, and therefore reducing waste. With thrifting's key value being to extend the life of textiles by selling second hand, we want to make sure that even seccond hand clothes that are purchased are well used and appreciated before they are thrown out 

The Advocates Elections Party Instagram

The Advocates is a party participating in the Sunway University Student Council General Elections for the term 22/23. As a candidate for the position of Public Relations Director, I took responsibility for creating campaign materials and managing the content for our social media account.

Sunway University Student Council

Being elected as the Public Relations Director of the term 22/23, I was in charge of leading my team to handle all of the council's event marketing materials, along with pushing out events of our own to create better brand awareness of SUSC to the Sunway student body.


We were able to achieve more than  900 more followers in one year and we started 2 new social media accounts for SUSC - Linkedin & Tik Tok.

yellow sparkle

AfterScent Instagram

I was approached by my friends to design a brand and manage the social media for a small business that they wanted to start - an online florist. I was then in charge of designing the overall brand identity, marketing and social media scheduling for the brand. Click on the link to check out AfterScent's Instagram Feed

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